Why register?
Registration is as much about your dog’s well-being as every other dog we look after. By getting to know your dog we can be certain he/she will be socialised, healthy, trained and happy.
Isn’t it important for you to know that your dog will be cared for amongst other dogs that are house trained, obedient and have current vaccination certificates?
Too often we hear about dogs coming home from a kennel stay stressed, having picked up a nasty cough – or worse.
Registration minimises the chance of your dog becoming unwell or passing on something to another canine visitor.
At the registration meeting we will find out about your dog’s routine, likes /dislikes, sleep patterns, preference for being inside or outside and so on.
We’ll also check that the dog:
- is house trained
- is obedient and can be walked safely
- is registered with a vet in case of emergencies
- has current vaccination certificates, flea & heartworm treatments
- has been de-sexed and micro-chipped
A one off registration fee is payable at the time of the meeting.
To register:
Email us at caninenannies@bigpond.com
Call Jan on 0487 468 817.